As happens among conservative churches where issues of dress are addressed, we would like to provide a statement concerning appropriate attire for Lyrica Sacra:
- To bring a consistency of expression.
- To minimize distractions due to differences in performer attire (i.e. minimize distractions for both the audience and the performers).
Men & Boys: We ask that buttoned shirts be worn (not T-shirts, etc.) and tight-fitting clothes be avoided. Please keep hair neatly trimmed.
Women: We ask that women in this group wear head veils sufficiently large enough to cover half the head (including the hair bob), a double layer over the body, and skirts below mid-calf. Further, that cosmetics and jewelry be limited to remedial and/or medical use only.
Girls (children’s choir, orchestra): We ask that expectations from the home and home congregation concerning the use of a veiling be adhered to here. Should an individual seem to be of the “age of accountability,” we may ask the parents and/or pastor(s) for clarification concerning the individual’s profession of faith and use of a veil. Once a veil is in use, we ask that it be consistent with the attire statement for Women above.
We ask that these standards be maintained as follows:
- That they be observed during participation with this group, whether in rehearsals, concerts, or any social functions predominantly associated with Lyrica Sacra people.
- That they be held with respect by participants both when with us and when away from group activities, even though they may dress differently at other times.
We do not anticipate making further, more detailed statements; any concerns will be addressed individually. We encourage deference from those with more “freedom” toward those who have chosen “less” freedom, with each using their freedoms for the edification of all.
May a very real spirit of grace and Godly protection prevail over all, that we may move forward unencumbered in the task before us!
Last Revision: December 20th, 2023